You know when you see those Bear Alert signs? Do you ever wonder if someone actually saw a bear? Well, I did last week. Twice. And one of those times was looking out the window while eating at Outback Steakhouse. Guess that bear wanted some free meat! I just got back from our directors' conference in Black Mountain, NC. This sleepy little town is a common destination
Other than viewing the wildlife, some of my friends and I took a 5 mile hike that turned out to be straight up the mountain. Now let me tell you, after a morning of straight meetings, getting some exercise seemed like a good idea...until I had to stop every 15 minutes or so to catch my breath and stretch when we were on the trail! But being outdoors in the beautiful October weather reminded me that although I'm a beach girl at heart, the mountains are pretty incredible in the fall. The leaves were just about at peak season and when the sun was setting it bathed everything in this gorgeous golden light. Augh! I wish I were back there now!
It was refreshing to be away from my responsibilities on campus and to be able to reconnect with God. I do some of my best thinking and even get some great ideas when I'm hiking or spending time in nature. Cole, a friend of mine and the director at Duke, gave a devotion on Psalm 131 our last day at the conference. Do I think I have a lot of responsibilities as a director of a large ministry? Yes, but David was King of a powerful nation! There's so much to learn from David in these three verses! As I've reflected on this Psalm, I've thought about how many times I'm like a nursing baby, frantically trying to find provision and even trying to do so by my own means. The times I'm anxious and frantic (like just this morning!) are most often characterized by me trying to control something or someone. I forget I'm just a human and I can't control everything, like David acknowledges when he says, I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. Where does peace come from for David and you and me? O Israel, put your hope in the Lord (not yourself, not your mom, dad, spouse, friend) both now and forevermore. In order to not just glaze over this final verse and lump it into a section of sunday school answers, I began thinking what it looks like in my life when I don't put my hope in the Lord. My life would be great if only...I was married, had lots of money, my staff liked me, was rested, had a house out of Southern Living...and the "if only's" continue. What about you? Is there background noise in your heart that is distracting you, causing you to feel frantic? Why not go take a walk in the woods and hash out Psalm 131 with the Lord. :)